Scripture references: Psalm 1; Matthew 10:29-31; Proverbs 3:5-6
Below is a Psalm, a prayer written from a heart full of longing for more of our dear Savior and Lord. Whatever you are facing, it is our prayer that this will bless you and encourage you in your walk with the Lord. As you read and pray through these words, may transformation take place.
My eyes brim with tears as I ponder Your goodness, Lord. You provide me sanctuary and rest under your leaves. You see me, hear me, and care for me as I find shelter under your branches. Living water flows to me, freely and full of grace. As I drink your water, I am refreshed and renewed. I’m made stronger; your water gives me life. My fruit blooms and draws the hungry near. The hunger and thirst that only you can satisfy, God, surpass all understanding. Your love for me overwhelms my soul. I don’t deserve your love; I’ll never be able to repay it.
I am not the tree described in your Word. I am not watered and manicured. I look at my fruit and wonder if it’s any good to eat. Is it spoiled? Does it have beautiful skin, but sour flesh? Is it like the poison fruit of fairy tales? Coaxing unsuspecting knights into deep, haunting sleeps. I don’t want that to be true. I want to be her; the tree that never withers and always prospers. The tree that draws all kinds of living things to its hearty, twisted branches for refuge. Rather than all my roots being submerged in your streams, I feel like the tree planted along the steep bank. Half grounded in the rough, dry soil of the world. Tipping far enough that a gust of wind could pull it right up. Admittedly, there are some days I’m okay with that. Your Holy Spirit is always moving and convicting me along the dry bank; “You don’t want to be here. God has more from you in the Water”. I waiver and fail daily. I’m not the tree in Your Word, but I want to be.
God, give me deep roots in You. Help me to be successful and prosperous in all that I do in Your name; a tree growing in rich, fertile soil tilled with hope and freedom; planted in the stream; never withering and always fruitful. Protect me from a spirit of jealousy, from the lure of scoffers, and from the ways of the wicked. Keep my heart pure and my ways straight. I pray this and wait expectantly, believing that you hear my cries. Don’t let me wither and blow away with the chaff. Don’t let my legacy be meaningless and futile. Instead, watch me develop strong branches and full leaves. Please don’t leave me the way that I am; you love me too much to leave me here.
Thank you for saving me from the fires that threaten to set me ablaze. Thank you for your promises of goodness and mercy, and for your abundance. Thank you for not giving me over to the flames, stamping them out every time they threaten my trunk. I can feel them close, but you don’t let them consume me. Thank you for your protection and for providing everything I need. If you know every sparrow that falls from its nest, how much more do you know and love me? I will not worry about where the water or nutrients will come from because you are taking care of every detail of my life. You are the Gardener and I am the tree. Prune me and shape me until there is less of me, and more of you.
~Ashley Gregory
Today’s post was written by Ashley Gregory, who is a contributor to the Deeper Still Devotional Blog. Ashley lives in Mt. Sterling, Illinois and is married to Mark. They have 3 children and she serves on the Central Illinois Deeper Still team.
Deeper Still is a ministry that offers free weekend retreats for women who have had abortions and the men who fathered children lost to abortion. If you have had an abortion and would like more information about our retreats, please go to to find a retreat close to you.