“Only ask, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession.” Psalm 2: 8
Father, You said, “Only Ask.” Lord, we ask for You to send Deeper Still to all the nations. We ask for the healing message of Your Gospel to go forth through Deeper Still to all the ends of the earth. We ask for the truth of abortion to be known and for the abortion wounded to be freed. We ask for You to give us the nations for Your inheritance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I opened my email. In my inbox that day was an email from a lady in South America. She was desperate. Her heart was broken over having an abortion. She had read my other blog, Living Free in Him, and had read my story and about Deeper Still. She pleaded through her words for help. She asked if there was a Deeper Still where she lived in Guyana, South America. I sadly had to tell her there was not. The closest involvement of Deeper Still was in Ecaudor, 2200 miles away. Same continent, but not exactly next door.
My heart was broken for her. All I could do was encourage her, share the truth of God’s love and grace, and pray.
One thing Deeper Still has been praying for years is to expand to reach more people like her, desperate for healing.
Well, this coming week, Karen Ellison (the founder of Deeper Still), Carla Martin and Sharon Kinder are all heading out on the first international Deeper Still Mission trip with Life International. To say we are excited, is quite an understatement! They are traveling to Bolivia, which is also in South America!
We have asked the Lord to expand Deeper Still to the North, South, East and West to reach the abortion wounded, and to see this prayer beginning to be answered is exciting!
The great commission is to go into all the world and preach the Good News (Mark 16:15). Deeper Still started with going into its community, which is part of all of the world, and it is so amazing to see how God is expanding its borders into more of the world. My prayer is that someday when we get an email from a lady desperate for healing, whether in Guyana or Uganda, Deeper Still will be there to bring the message of Good News.
Please join us in praying for Karen, Carla, and Sharon as they travel to Bolivia to share the Good News of healing and freedom with Life International.