Thousands of women and men have found lasting freedom from their abortion wounded hearts.

These are some of their stories.

I didn’t want anyone to get too close to me…

Amy felt everyone else at church was clean and she was not and if she got too close to them, they would find out. After attending a Deeper Still retreat, she was able to recall her true identity and now lives confidently as a daughter of the King.

The only thing that bothered me was that it didn’t bother me

At 21-years-old, Shann’s girlfriend was pregnant. He quickly made the crisis pregnancy all about himself and erected a barrier between his heart and the truth. At the Deeper Still retreat, God pursued and rescued his heart from a place he didn’t realize had been held captive.

I knew I’d been forgiven, but I still felt powerless

After an abortion in 1973, Jimmy experienced an ongoing feeling of guilt, shame, and powerlessness. As many men do, he shut down those feelings and suppressed the pain. At the Deeper Still retreat, he experienced a sense of real, raw healing that can only come from Jesus.

I knew God had forgiven me but didn’t realize the load I was carrying

Emily had an abortion at 19. Twenty years later, she had no clue the weight she was still carrying. After attending a Deeper Still retreat, she received a deeper healing she didn’t know she needed or was available to her. She’s now fully alive and her heart has been set free.

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you long for.