When Holy Spirit Power is the Only Option

“If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.”  John 14:14

Father, we can’t thank you enough for your faithfulness!  Our hearts sing your praises all day long.  Your love never fails and great it your faithfulness.  Thank you for answering our every prayer with, “yes, you get it!”  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The power went out.  There was no storm, no rain, and no wind.  We thought maybe a fuse was blown as the Deeper Still team bustled about preparing for the summer retreat the next day. Then a team member urgently informed us that a huge tree had just fallen a few feet from the driveway of where the retreat would be held.  This tree had taken down the power lines, which hung dangerously over the cul-de-sac blocking entrance to the driveway. 

A few of the team members went up to assess the damage and to determine if any recourse was needed.   After a brief assessment, only one determination could be made…the power must come back on.  The retreat was the next day.  It was 90 degrees outside.  There wasn’t time for a Plan B. The only option…the Holy Spirit. 

The electrical power had gone out, but the power of the Holy Spirit was very present and in abundance.  As a team, we decided to trust in His power even when we didn’t have natural power. 
In situations like this, there is always a choice.  Panic can easily set in and cause chaos.  It is difficult for panic and power to coexist.  If we choose to depend on the Holy Spirit, He will diffuse panic as we trust in His power. Thankfully that day, we chose Him. 

We gathered around in the warming living room and prayed and sang worship songs to our loving Father.  We lifted up our voices in praise and thanksgiving as we called on our God.  He is always faithful.  And He answered quickly. Within about 30 minutes of praying, there was a power company truck outside whacking away at the tree and restoring the power lines to their integrity.

The Lord went on to continue to amaze us all weekend with one glorious event to another.  One participant accepted Christ for the first time, two others rededicated their lives.  There were two baptisms, a first for Deeper Still!  The Lord amazed us and did above and beyond anything we could ask, think or imagine!  All ten ladies were set free and lives were transformed for His glory!  His power continually amazes me.  All glory goes to Him, the One with the only true power—We give You all praise, glory and honor Holy Spirit! 

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.