Host Chapter

Contact Info

Kaitlyn Donihue

March 14th - 16th, 2025 (women and men)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Kaitlyn Donihue has served on Deeper Still retreats all over the country and is passionate about helping women and men find healing and freedom after abortion. In 2024 Kaitlyn became the director of Deeper Still West Michigan.

In Luke 4:18 Jesus tells us that He came to heal the brokenhearted. If your heart is broken because of abortion, Jesus wants to heal your heart and the Deeper Still West Michigan team wants that for you too. We would love to walk alongside you and support you in your healing journey.

Our team is excited to welcome you and walk with you through the weekend. We work hard to create a safe, comfortable, and beautiful environment where you can get away from distractions and focus on what your heart needs. We are also committed to your confidentiality. Please reach out to us. We are looking forward to walking with you.

Our retreats are free of charge, including lodging and food for the weekend. We also work hard to accommodate allergies.

To learn more about our retreats visit our FAQ page.