Countdown to the Event!








Welcome to the 2025 Deeper Still Banquet

Our 2025 Fundraising Banquet will be one that you will not want to miss. It will be a powerful evening filled with testimony, inspiration, and challenge. This year we will have several speakers with inspirational testimonies and a surprise at the end you don’t want to miss! You and your guests are in for a huge blessing!

The date is Thursday, March 27, 2025. It will be held at Bridgewater Place in Knoxville. Our theme will be

Let Freedom Ring – it is for FREEDOM that Christ set you free…Galatians 5:1

Our Deeper Still Chapters have ministered to over 2000 women and men who have traded their guilt, shame, and sorrow, from their abortion wounded hearts, for the healing and freedom that only Jesus can bring. They have been set free, and it is for FREEDOM that Christ set them free. We give God all the glory for these transformed lives!


For more information or to RSVP for the banquet please contact:
Katherine Enger (704) 351-3296 Call or Text

This is our most important fundraising event each year and a significant opportunity to introduce new people to Deeper StillThe funds raised at this event will allow us to continue to offer our retreats free of charge, start new Deeper Still chapters, continue our outreach to the Chinese, and launch a new initiative that will take Deeper Still to the nations. – all to Let Freedom Ring! 

Both of these titles will be available at this year’s banquet for purchase.