A New Song

mao mao on the rock with scripture


“He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.  He has put a new song in my mouth–praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord.” Psalms 40:2-3

Dear Lord, thank you for the new songs you put in the mouths and hearts of every participant that came to the fall Deeper Still retreats and for the new songs you will place in the hearts of those coming to the retreat in Atlanta at the end of October.  You are good, Oh Lord.  We give you all praise and glory and honor!  Amen.

The song that is playing on repeat in my head is “Beautiful Things” by Gungor.  You can click here to play the song.  The chorus says, “You make beautiful things out of dust.  You make beautiful things out of us.”

When I went through my Deeper Still retreat four years ago, it was hard to put into words all the Lord did in my heart that weekend.  What was even more amazing to me was the transformation that happened in every single person there that weekend.  I knew what the Lord did in me, but when I looked around the room, I saw the beautiful things the Lord did all around me.  I was in awe.

My heart cried, “Lord, will you let me be a part of this?  I want to be a part of what You are doing here.”  I remembered the words of Henry Blackaby, “Find where God is at work and join Him there.”  God was definitely at work and I had to be a part of it.

The Lord has been working and many lives have been transformed over the last few weeks as Deeper Still chapters across the country have been having their fall retreats.  The Lord has put a new song in many hearts–songs of freedom!

Here are some quotes from those whom the Lord has set free over the last few weeks.  Rejoice and give praise to the Lord with us as we listen to voices proclaiming freedom…

“Coming into the retreat I had self-condemnation, strained relationships, and needed to be able to move forward. The team helped me to see the wall around my heart and tear it down. I was shown I am worthy and redeemed. All the visuals brought Scripture to life. I did not think I needed to attend a Deeper Still retreat. I really felt certain I had worked through the pain and sin through counseling. Yet I had no joy or peace in my life. The thought of attending was so intimidating. But when I arrived I felt a warmth and comfort. It was a weekend of spiritual surgery to erase the dark spots still hiding in my heart. I leave knowing my heart is whole and I am a child of the King. Praise God!”

“I had no idea how much I needed this retreat and how much I would benefit from participating in it 47 years after my abortion. I heard God’s Words of confirmation of my freedom from guilt and shame to now being His daughter.”

“Coming into this retreat I felt guilt, unworthiness in God’s eyes, and worried about bad stuff coming in my future. Now I am assured of forgiveness. I am worthy and no longer fear retribution. I liked the genuineness, love, dedication, and commitment of the team.”

“This retreat was amazing. I learned first that Jesus is LOVE. I was taught that Jesus has and never will give up on me. He accepts me with open arms. I’m forgiven and set free by the Holy Spirit. I’m free from the strongholds of thinking evil and from living in the sin of abortion. Thank You Jesus!!”

“Every detail of the retreat was God-breathed and planned with and for a purpose and I thank God for sending me this direction. So many things were explained and answered that have given me peace. Words cannot express this blessing. Thank you!”

“Everything about this retreat was helpful. It was eye-opening and I know it’s changed my life. I never expected half of what happened this weekend. This weekend has given me strength to call and cry out to God and to persevere and continue to go Deeper still. I loved this whole experience and everyone involved.”

“I had received a lot of healing previously but didn’t realize how much more healing I needed! God was faithful to bring things to mind as healing prayers were going on. The words and “pictures painted” during the teaching time were instrumental in bringing other healing needs to mind. I am free and it looks like pure joy. Thank You!”

“Coming into this retreat, I struggled with self abuse and not feeling worthy. All these issues were addressed and more.  I was able to honor my babies. This experience has changed me and healed me forever. “

Aren’t those words beautiful?  The Lord is giving beauty for ashes.  What a blessing to see the captives being set free!  Praise be to our God and King!

If you have had an abortion or want more information about the Deeper Still Ministry, please visit our website at www.deeperstill.org

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.