A Year of Harvest

“But when he saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.  Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest’ “ Matthew 9:36-38

Dear Heavenly Father, You know the harvest is plentiful.  We ask for an abundance of resources and laborers for the healing of those wounded from the pain and sin of abortion.  Lord, have compassion on the multitudes.  Lord, please send the resources and laborers needed for the harvest.  The need is great indeed for healing the multitudes.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  

Below is a message from the founder and president of Deeper Still, Karen Ellison.  Friends, the need for healing for those wounded from abortion is great.  Just a few weeks ago, I received an email from someone desperate for healing asking why we only had 3 retreats a year in Knoxville.  Even though Deeper Still has been adding new chapters across the US, the need is still great.  Many more chapters are required to reach the multitudes suffering from the wounds of abortion.  The answer is simple—resources.  Will you pray with us for the Lord of the harvest to send what is necessary for the harvest?  Thank you for your faithful support in setting the captives free and bringing healing to the nations.  Below is a review of how your support has helped in 2017.  We are so grateful for all of you. Happy New Year to you!

Dear Friends of Deeper Still,

Prepare for growththat was the message the Lord gave us as we began 2017. And boy, have we felt the stretch of our tent pegs! We have so much to be thankful for as we come to the end of 2017. To say thank you feels inadequate for you, our faithful and generous prayer partners and donors. But truly your financial support and prayers over this last year have made the way for us to present to the Lord a new basket of abundant fruit!

Here are some of the words and phrases that we have spoken out this year to describe what we have experienced through Deeper Still:

Epic, Speechless, Arduous Perseverance, Spiritual Battle, Laughter, Sun-Stand-Still (miraculous answers to prayer), Breakthrough, Tears, Healing Rain, Waiting, Favor, Fun, Exceedingly Abundant, “What’s He going to do next?”

2017 Fruit…

* In Knoxville, we hosted 4 life-transforming retreats for 62 people.

* We just hosted our 2nd Chinese retreat here in Knoxville with Chinese participants and team members from both mainland China and here in the states.

* We took our 1st trip into mainland China to encourage our Chinese leaders as they put their first stake in the ground to establish Deeper Still in China. Those leaders were first retreat participants that received their own healing. Then, while there, we trained them to become team leaders. One month after we left, this small but powerful team of Chinese Deeper Still leaders hosted their first retreat for Chinese in China. This is first fruits multiplication!

* We held our annual Training Seminar here in Knoxville with attendees from 5 states eager to become “Freedom Fighters” with tools to minister healing to the abortion wounded.

* 2 new Deeper Still chapters had their first retreats this year and 2 more chapters just launched in the last quarter of this year.

* We hired a new Chief Operating Officer (COO) to help grow our infrastructure.

As we prepare for 2018, we are again expectant for more growth, more perseverance and more glory to God.

In January, our staff and board will be seeking God for His plans and purposes for Deeper Still in the coming year. Lord willing, this is what we know…

* We know there will be many more lives healed and transformed through our retreats and the retreats of our chapters.

* We know that more Deeper Still chapters will be launched.

* We know we will be making a 2nd trip into China.

Please pray with us as we seek God for His plans for Deeper Still 2018. I will close with the testimony of one of our Chinese participants:

“2017 Deeper Still Fall retreat helped me to experience repentance, forgiveness, renewal, victory in Christ, and a real taste of heaven through heartfelt worship, powerful testimony, biblical teaching, and prayer in a caring community.  Many people like Karen, Jerry, Sue, Kay, Sammye, and Paula personally touched my heart deeply.  How they love the Lord and faithfully serve the Lord encourages me to do the same.  The retreat mainly helped me restore and grow my love for my aborted son Dong Jinxi, but also helped restore my mother mantle.  I came home ready to love my children more, and ready to welcome Grace, our new daughter (just adopted from China) into my heart and our home.  The Holy Spirit set my heart free from many sins and unhealthy ties, free to love Jesus, love my husband and my children, free to serve my church and other women in my community. Thank you Deeper Still team!”

Will you partner with us for another year of fruitful growth? We need more staffing and funds to keep up with the rapid growth the Lord is creating.  Your year-end gift will be a down payment on our 2018 fruit – this ministry has become a movement. Will you continue to invest in the Deeper Still movement?

If you would like to participate with us through a financial blessing, simply click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Deeper Still.

Until all are healed,

Karen A. Ellison, President
Deeper Still


Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.