An Emotional Wreck…

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness.” Psalm 107:19-21

Having an abortion is a traumatic event for those who have been through one. After experiencing a traumatic event, it is common to encounter strong emotional feelings and then find we are behaving differently. We may not recognize the behavior for quite a while and we certainly do not associate it with our abortions. Unbeknownst to us, the emotional consequences from that trauma have just started. The abortion world does not tell you that you will suffer emotionally. They tell you it will solve your “problem.”

I have spoken to many women who have suffered emotionally from abortion. I am one of those women. The emotional side effects alone can be devastating in a life. Let’s take a look at the emotional side effects of abortion: Guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, unworthiness, unforgiveness of ourselves and others, fear, numbness of feelings, deep regret, thoughts of suicide, reduced motivation, lack of trust, drug and alcohol abuse, abusive relationships, promiscuity, acting out in anger or rage, loss of interest in relationships, difficulty with intimacy, difficulty sleeping, nightmares, excessive crying, appetite disturbances, grief, irrational behavior, detachment, (difficulty bonding with your living children), overprotective of living children (this was me), and expected retribution.

I personally experienced almost everyone of these emotional side effects. Our reaction to things are bigger than logic. This is where Post-Abortion Syndrome shows up. This happens when your traumatic experience triggers old unresolved issues or is just simply too traumatic for your brain to process. I was not processing what happened, but rather spiraling out of control living in shame. I couldn’t face myself. I was masking the pain not knowing at the time, that my behavior was due to the abortions.

Shame is a painful feeling that is a mix of regret, self-hatred, and dishonor. Shame alone brings in all the other side effects of abortion. I had dishonored not only God who is the giver of life, but also dishonored my children by taking their lives and their God given purpose away. My self-hatred lead to a horrendous lifestyle of self-abuse along with allowing others to harm me. I felt I was living in a horror movie that had no end. I had put myself, through my choices, in a cavum so deep, I saw no way out.

The abortion world claims abortion will give you peace of mind in your unplanned situation, however the truth is it most often destroys a woman’s emotional well being and self-destructive behavior can result.

Darkness had surrounded me too long. I was desperate for change…

Change came. There is always hope with God. I thank Him everyday for protecting me through those times, pursuing me. God loved me, wanted to save me, and protect me. He is my rescuer. Hallelujah! He can set you free also. He is faithful, loving and forgiving. He restores, redeems and rescues. If you have had an abortion, there is a God who wants to heal, restore and redeem you! There is freedom waiting, just let Him in.

You can contact Deeper Still and sign up for an upcoming retreat. Miracles happen at this retreat. At my retreat, I was emotionally set free and physically healed from Fibromyalgia!

Lord Jesus, Thank you for setting this captive free, and delivering us from so great a death and that You still deliver us daily. I am grateful that I can tell others of Your healing power, so that all may be set free. All glory and honor are Yours Lord Jesus. We love you!! Amen.

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.