Called By a New Name

“The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory.  You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will name.”  Is 62:2
Father, Lord, will You give those who come to the Deeper Still retreats a new name.  Lord, that they would no longer be termed forsaken or desolate, but they would see that You delight in them and those around them would see Your  beloved as a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hand of the Lord.  Amen.
Today’s devotional was written by Samuel Turnmire.  Thank you Samuel for contributing today…
God likes to make things new. The New Testament tells us that by following Christ we become a new creation.  We like new things too, like new hairstyles or clothes, but our Creator changes something much deeper than that. At times the difference is so great that a new name is given. In the gospel of John chapter 1, we see the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth and Jesus begins to call his disciples. When he encounters Simon, Christ tells him that He will call him “Cephas”, or as we know him, “Peter”.
Inside Peter, his heart was moved and called to follow Christ. But to come into his new name, Peter “the rock”, he would have to be watered by the words of Christ for the remainder of Christ’s time on earth. He would bask in the light of Jesus’ presence and become strong in faith through the impulsive actions of jumping out of a boat in the middle of the sea. Finally, he would be pruned by suffering the shame of denying the one he pledged to die for just hours prior; and to be restored by the master’s forgiveness at a lakeside fish fry.
In time, Simon became Peter. He would go on to lead thousands on the day of Pentecost, travel through Asia Minor, and finally find himself martyred in Rome. All of this Jesus saw when he called Simon and changed his name. Peter had no idea the growth that he would undergo. Peter’s words became the foundation of faith for the early church. In his death, he affirmed his faith and set an example for all of us to follow.
When the Creator of all things looks us in the eye and whispers to our hearts to come, if we choose Him, we will be changed.  Each of us is made new. Each of us gets a new name.
Lost to Found.
Sinner to Saint.
Enemy to Heir.
Wrecked to Redeemed.
Many times at the Deeper Still Retreats, the Lord gives someone a new name or redeems the name they were given.  It is beautiful to witness.  There is much in a name.  As we become the person God created us to be, we begin to walk in confidence of our new name just as Peter did.  He went from wimp to warrior in a matter of a moment with Jesus and then boldly proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ ushering in the preaching of the gospel which lasts until this day.  God has a new name for you as well.  There is no knowing all God has in store for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  I want to encourage you to ask God what your name is, then walk in your new name.  Daughter/Son of the King, as you do, He will do a mighty Kingdom work through you.   

If you are interested  in knowing more about ministering to the abortion-wounded or are interested in starting a Deeper Still Chapter in your area, our annual training is Nov 11 and 12 in Knoxville, TN.  Please go to for registration information.  

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.