Calling All Warriors

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness, in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand…

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”  Ephesians 6:11-13, 18

Father, we stand against powers of darkness in the Name of Jesus.  We pray for Karen and all the Deeper Still volunteers and staff as they prepare and do the training this coming week.  Father, we pray for you to strengthen them with might through Your Spirit in their inner man (Eph 3:16).  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  

Darkness loomed all around me as I contemplated sharing my abortion story with my church family.  There was a heaviness on me.  Nausea overcame me at the thought of sharing my “secret”.  The medium was harmless enough.  I wouldn’t have to speak.  A flat piece of cardboard would be my voice. However,  that small brown rectangle would contain words that could forever alter my world.  The front read:

“Abortion at 19, locked in a prison of shame and guilt.”  

How could a little paper box top be so heavy?

Trying to get this decision off my mind, that night we decided to watch the movie, Narnia, for family movie night.  As I watched the movie, I realized it was no coincidence we were watching this particular movie this particular night.  We came to the battle scene at the end and I saw clearly what was happening:  There was a fight going on in the heavenlies.  There was a battle raging.  Forces of darkness fighting to keep me silent while angelic forces were fighting for my freedom.

After the movie I knew I had to share my testimony.  I knew it might not be easy and honestly, that little piece of cardboard was too heavy for me to bear on my own.  Thankfully, the weight was lifted as my Lord and Savior, Jesus, carried the load for me.

I turned the cardboard over.  On the back read:

“Forgiven and set free by the blood of Jesus.”

As I turned it over, the cardboard became light and a weight was forever lifted.

There was a battle–one side wanting to keep me bound in chains and the other side wanting me free.   The battle continues for countless more and we need all warriors.

Next weekend is the Deeper Still Training.  There is a battle raging and we need all warriors to pray.  Karen and all the volunteers need our prayers.  Please pray for strength, stamina, and protection for Karen and the volunteers and their families this week as they prepare and train a new set of warriors.

Also, please share this on your social media pages to spread the word and call more warriors into action!
Thank you!!!

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.