Calling Forth Destiny

“I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people; and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not my loved one.”  Romans 9:25

In February 2011, God woke me up with an assignment.  On my computer sat a blank blog page waiting for words.  That chilly February morning, the spirit of the Lord spoke clearly, “Tell them who they are and tell them I love them.” 

I began writing and God began moving to show me ability He put in me long before I knew it was there.

At the beginning of this journey, I struggled with accepting the assignment to write.  Thoughts of insecurity and doubt rose up.  Who am I to write about the Lord?  Who am I to have a voice? 

There was a choice—either accept the assignment or agree with doubts and insecurities.  There was a battle inside of me as the two voices collided.   Finally, I accepted what God said rather than my thoughts or lies of the enemy and continued forward in fulfilling what God had said to do. 

He called me a writer before one word was on the screen.   

There was no natural indicator that I should be writing.  But still He called.  And what He calls you is truth. 

That is how God operates.  He calls things that are not as though they are.

God does this again and again in His word. 

He called Eve “the mother of all the living” before she had ever even conceived children.  (Gen 3:20)

He called Abraham “a great nation” when he was still childless. (Gen 12:2)

He called David “anointed king of Israel” while he was a shepherd in a field. (1 Samuel 16: 13)

He called Paul “a chosen vessel” even though he was persecuting Christians and before he knew Jesus or preached one word. (Acts 9:15)

What has he spoken over you?  What calling and destiny lies in wait for you to fulfill?

Knowing your true identity as His son or daughter puts you in line for receiving His blessing and inheritance. (Gal 4)  He calls you daughters/sons even if you did not have parents because you are His daughter/son.  He loves you as a loving Father and wants you to know you are His.  He is calling.

Perhaps you have never seen yourself as a mother. He calls you mother even if you have never have given birth to a child.  There is an entire world out there who need mothering.  He is calling.

He calls you wife even if you are not married, even if you never will marry.  You are His bride and He is your Bridegroom.  He adores youHe is crazy about you! He is calling.

These are truths.  God has a destiny for every one of His children.  He called Israel His people and His loved one when Israel’s heart was far from Him.   Perhaps you have a child or someone you love who is far from the Lord.  We have authority and right to call forth their destiny.  God has a destiny for each of us.  Or perhaps you have been living outside of God’s plan and destiny for your life, out of rebellion or unbelief.  Today is the day to step into His plan and purpose and live out your calling.  

resting in Him

When we live from a place of resting in His love, we become all He intended us to be.  He has called you His, He has called you loved–come into agreement and accept the assignment.  Walk in your blessing and inheritance.   He is calling.

Father, show me my identity, my true identity.  Thank you that you see the end from the beginning and you call things that are not as though they are.  Father, I pray forth into existence my calling and destiny.  I call forth my identity as your beloved daughter/son and to be all you called me to be and walk in my inheritance.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.






Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.