Mother’s Day Blessing

As the family of God, on this Mother’s Day, we want to honor and encourage the stewardship of mothering. We acknowledge that the celebration of this day can be joyful for some and painful for others. But whatever your gains or losses have been regarding your...

You Belong at Jesus’ Table

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Psalm 23:5 The warmth of summer approaching brushed our shoulders as five Jesus loving ladies gathered for lunch. On the way to meet, text messages began to come saying, “On my...

Unplanned Movie- To see or Not to See

The movie Unplanned debuted a couple weeks ago. Prior the movie release, the air was filled with buzz and promotion including this blog space advertising it’s arrival with eager anticipation and expectation, encouraging all to see it. The day after the movie opened in...

Abortion Fatigue

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galations 6:9 In the news, on social media, we are constantly bombarded with messages. There is no escaping the articles, opinions, and even blog posts about...

Life in the Church

This post is written by the President and Founder of Deeper Still, Karen Ellison. Karen has a book that just came out called Healing the Hurt that Won’t Heal, Freedom for the Abortion-Wounded and Help for the Church They Fear. For the church to turn the tide on the...

Living in an Abortion-Wounded World

This post is written by the President and Founder of Deeper Still, Karen Ellison. Karen has a book that just came out called Healing the Hurt that Won’t Heal, Freedom for the Abortion-Wounded and Help for the Church They Fear. The United States accounts for fewer than...