Northern Indiana

Fort Wayne, IN

Deeper Still Northern Indiana was established by Lisa Davis in 2017.

Lisa's background includes twenty years of psychiatric nursing experience , overlapping with another twenty years in leadership at pregnancy resource centers helping women and their families with unplanned pregnancies, providing pregnancy ultrasounds and education about abortion and alternatives to abortion. Additionally, Lisa has extensive training in dealing with the trauma of abortion, as well as personal experience with abortion and healing.

Lisa has most recently launched a national podcast called, “Deeper Still: Freeing the Abortion Wounded Heart.”

Lisa and her husband, Mike, share their healing story form abortion publicly to help others overcome their grief and shame and to help Christians develop a helpful response to their abortion wounded family and friends. They co-facilitate Deeper Still Retreats in Indiana. Mike also has provided leadership in men’s ministry for many years.

The Northern Indiana Chapter holds retreats free of charge at a beautiful retreat center on a lake, with well appointed rooms and gardens.

Our Team members are well-trained and ready to serve and minister to you throughout the weekend. Our desire is to usher you into a deeper relationship with God as He brings you a level of healing you may be surprised to receive.

To learn more about our retreats, visit our FAQ page.

Contact Info

Lisa Davis

Upcoming Training

Our Upcoming Retreats

April 25th - 27th, 2025 (women and men)

August 1st - 3rd, 2025 (women and men)

October 17th - 19th, 2025 (women and men)