“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears.” Psalm 18:6
Oh Sovereign Lord, we thank You that when we cry out, You hear us. Father, this week 8 participants are going to the Illinois Deeper Still Retreat. We cry out to You on their behalf. We ask for You to deliver them from their strong enemy and for them to be set free. In Jesus’ mighty and powerful name, Amen.
What parent does not go to his child when hearing him cry in distress? No good parent would ignore his/her child’s plea for help. God is a good parent. He is our Father. How much more will He answer when He hears His child cry in distress?
A couple weeks ago, we had the Deeper Still Retreat in Tennessee. In one word…AMAZING! Twenty-two participants were radically set free and transformed right before our eyes! When speaking to the Lord about these transformations and miracles on the mountain, I asked why we see so many miracles on the mountain. The Lord answered…Expectancy.
We expect to see those miracles on the mountain. We expect lives to be forever changed. We expect God to show up in amazing ways and do above and beyond anything we could ask or imagine. We expect to see His glory. And He never disappoints.
What if we lived life everyday with that kind of expectancy?
We can expect a mountaintop experience even when we are in a valley.
God is our Father. He is a good parent. He always hears us. He always answers.
The Lord will move heaven and earth to help His children. His love is never failing. Let’s run to our Father and expect Him to scoop us up in His loving arms and do above and beyond all we could ask or imagine in our everyday lives.
Miracles happen on more than just mountaintops.