Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!

“Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”  John 15:13

Father, we praise You that Jesus loves us so much that He laid down His life for us.  Father, thank you for so great a love we cannot even comprehend.  Thank you that because of Your selfless act of kindness, the penalty of our sin has been paid and we are free. We know mother’s day can be difficult for the abortion wounded.  Lord, we pray for your loving balm to soften and bring healing to hearts wounded by abortion.  Bring them revelation regarding their God-given name —Mother.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Mother’s Day is drawing near.  For some, this is a beautiful time to rejoice and celebrate mothers and all the ways they have given up their own lives for their children. For others, this may be a difficult time for a variety of reasons.  For the abortion wounded, it can be heart wrenching. 
The story I want to share today is a beautiful story of life.

Sheppard Tucker, a Deeper Still team member who is also on staff at Deeper Still, so graciously offered to share a story of selfless love.  It is the story of her mother and how she was willing to lay down her life for her. 

We honor your mother today, Sheppard, and all the mothers (biological, spiritual, and relational) who lay down their own lives for their children and others daily. 

Here is Sheppard’s story:

Thankful for my Mom today on Mother’s Day who chose life for me although doctors told her she might have had the chance to save her own life by aborting me. She chose not to take more treatment for her cancer and lost her battle at the age of 28, when I was a year old.
My mom faithfully carried me in her safe, protective and nurturing womb all while battling lymphosarcoma. I don’t know a lot about her, but I do know she completely fulfilled her role as mother on this earth by pouring all that she had into me – and from others who speak of her amazing spirit that blessed and nurtured everyone she came in contact with. I really hope and pray I get to meet her face to face one day….
On this 2015 Mother’s Day weekend, I am thankful for all of the amazing Mothers God has provided in my life from infancy until now. I so appreciate all that have stood by me, encouraged, challenged, disciplined, (wink) and loved me like a mother would over the years. I am so grateful for each one of you and the way you have been wonderful examples that continue to shape my life. 
One of the things we affirm in women who come to the Deeper Still retreats is their role of mothering. All women are called to mother on this earth. We can mother not only our own children, but other’s children, and yes, even our sisters and brothers in Christ. There are many orphans in the world, some of which might even have a mother and a father in the picture, but are spiritual or emotional orphans, not getting what they need- because for whatever reason the parent simply does not have it to give. We can each reach out and mother the orphans of the world- with something as simple as a smile, a touch, or at other times by pouring all we’ve got in to the lives of those the Lord puts in our path who need a mother’s heart and attention in some way. He is the great expander of our hearts as we love others with the same love and grace He has given to us in our times of need.
“There is no greater love than this…”

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!!! 

This is a picture of Sheppard’s mom and grandmother.  Sheppard is on her grandmother’s lap.  Her grandmother is the one who raised her after her mother passed away.  We honor her as well. Thank you Sheppard for sharing your beautiful story of love today.  

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.