Jacque Murphy

Executive Director, Knoxville

My name is Jacque Murphy, I’m the Executive Director for the Knoxville Chapter. I attended my healing retreat in 2011. Little did I know how much my life, my marriage, and my heart would change after one weekend. After finding freedom from my abortion, I started volunteering, and serving in any way I could. I eventually became a part of staff in 2014, helping Karen with the retreats. Now, as a Chapter Leader, it is such a privilege to join God in what He is already doing in the lives of men and women He brings to us, and to see the transformation that happens over a weekend is just breath taking. I love watching God work through our team, serving and bringing the hands and feet of Jesus to those who have been wounded by abortion. There’s no other place I’d rather be. Darryl, my husband, he too, has been serving along with me. Seeing the goodness of God with his own eyes has only taken him deeper still, too. We both are from Knoxville, born and raised here in East TN. We share a love for coffee, hiking the Smokey Mountains and traveling to see our kids. We have 3 grown children, along with two daughter-in-loves, 4 beautiful grand girls, and our ol’ girl, Mercy dog.

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” Eph3.20-21

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