“In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” 1 John 16:33
Father, No matter what we face or the pain we endure, you have overcome. Thank you for your promise of living pain free in heaven and thank you for how you use pain as an indicator of a need for healing. Lord, heal those areas of our hearts in pain and bring us into greater levels of freedom as we look to you our Healer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
The sun shone brightly overhead as we headed toward the East Tennessee mountains for a day of hiking in God’s beautiful creation. While driving, we passed a billboard that boasted a promise unattainable this side of heaven. The billboard read, “Live Pain Free”. The car sped past the sign blurring the details of what the sign was promoting. Regardless the remedy, it couldn’t possibly prove to extinguish all pain to the point of living pain free.
There is no magic pill or formula to alleviate all pain. If there was a magic pill, would we want it? Perhaps we would take the pill promising pain-free living, but consider this: to feel no pain is to not feel at all—a numbing. Pain is the symptom of a deeper wound. It is the body’s way of crying out for healing. Pain indicates our need for healing and our need for a Healer. Without pain, we would be oblivious to the deep bleeding happening within and our need for the only Surgeon who can tend to the wounds. Unspoken pain manifests in a way that mirrors the mess inside. Pain triggers our awareness for the need for healing. It is never isolated. Pain spreads and seeps begging for care—pointing to our need for the Healer.
Once we begin to seek the Healer in response to our pain, His response is quick and vast. He pursues the root of the pain when we invite Him into the deepest area of our hurts. With our permission, He advances until all is healed. Less and less pain until eventually all is healed. The final healing may not manifest this side of heaven, but there are levels of healing where indeed we can live exponentially pain free.
The promise of living pain free cannot be found in a pill or earthly physician. Only the Great Physician can lead us on this journey. And in the journey, we will have trouble. There will be suffering. There will be pain, but we can take heart knowing His ever-loving arms and His presence overcomes it all.
He is the promise that has overcome the pain, He has overcome the world.