Praying in the Laborers

“Then He said to them, ‘The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'” Luke 10:2

Dear Heavenly Father,  we know the harvest is great.  So many men and women need healing and freedom from their past sin of abortion.  They need to be free to worship you, free to serve you, free to be all your created them to be, and free to minister Your love to a lost and hurt world.  Father, we pray for You to send out laborers into Your harvest.  We pray for those you have called to come to the Deeper Still Training to become equipped to go out to the harvest fields to free abortion wounded hearts.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

They are coming.  August 23 and 24th, new laborers are coming from Tennessee, Illinois (my old home state!), North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, California, Georgia, and even Ecuador!

About a year ago, God was working on my heart to attend the Deeper Still training.  I didn’t know why I was suppose to go, but I knew God said “go” so I said “yes”.  God can do so much with 3 little letters–YES.  

Please pray for all the attendees coming to the training, for their hearts to be open to hear from the Lord and say “yes” to all He wants them to do.  

Please be in prayer for us as we equip these saints who are coming to be laborers of the freedom harvest!  

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.