Surprised by Freedom

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“Now Peter continued knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished…he declared to them how the Lord has brought him out of the prison.” Acts 12:16-17

Father, we thank you for bringing us out of prison.  Thank you for the freedom you give to those once in bondage from the sin of abortion.  Lord, may those we tell see and believe in the great and mighty power you have to heal and set free.  Let those set free go and tell of your great works. May we come to expect to see your people once in bondage knocking at our door with freedom bursting from their lips.  In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Sitting across the table enjoying our last meal together before the weekend retreat came to an end, one of the participants shared with me how a counselor we both knew expressed astonishment in how free I was to share my story.

This counselor’s reaction reminded me of how the disciples responded after finding out Peter had been freed from prison.  The disciples were praying for Peter to be freed and then nearly fell over in disbelief when he was outside the door!

Jesus came for freedom.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”  Galations 5:1

Isn’t freedom what we should come to expect as Christians?  If we are surprised by it, what does that say about who Jesus is?

My hope is that freedom would be the norm.  May we never lose our awe of the power of Christ to break the chains and deliver the captives from the prison, but at the same time, I pray we come to expect it.

The Lord is continually driving me to deeper levels and there is more freedom to obtain, but I cannot express the thankfulness for the deliverance from the bars of abortion.

Just as Peter was freed from the prison and fled to share the news with his friends, I pray for those released from the prison of abortion to advance and proclaim the Lord’s rescue.

May so many rise up in freedom that the world would stand in awe and be astonished.  May the Lord Jesus be seen for who He is—the One who brings hope and declares freedom for the captives.  May we come to expect freedom because that is who Jesus is—our Healer, our Deliverer, our Hope, our Salvation, our Soon-Coming King.

Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.