“You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessings granted us through the prayers of many.” 2 Corinthians 1:11
Oh Father, thank you that you have given us, your saints, the gift of prayer. Today I join my prayers with the prayers of many on behalf of Deeper Still. Grant them all the blessings and provision they need to carry out their mission. I believe that our prayers make a difference. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
We are still in awe of all God did during the retreat weekend of July 12-14. No words can describe the power of your prayers that weekend. Prayer is vital to ministry. We can feel your prayers as you partner with us and intercede on behalf of broken, weary, and burdened souls.
There is a beautiful banner Karen Ellison has that simply says:
“History Belongs to the Intercessor”
Just think, you are affecting history and the outcome of future generations by your prayers. Prayer is no light assignment. It is overwhelming and humbling to think our prayers could make the difference between life or death, blessing or cursing, and freedom or bondage.
One life transformed can influence thousands of generations and reform the course of family history (Psalms 105:8). When you pray for one woman who is coming to the retreat, you are also praying for all of her descendants.
Thank you for your faith-filled prayers from the depths of our hearts at Deeper Still. We thank you, the women impacted thank you, history thanks you, and the unborn of future generations thank you.