“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’” Matthew 9:36-37
Father, we see the multitudes. You see the multitudes. Lord, they are weary and scattered. Father, we know the harvest is plentiful. We know the need is great. There are multitudes that have been wounded by abortion. Father, we are asking for you to bring more laborers. Father, we ask for you to expand Deeper Still to reach those that are weary and scattered. Father, we ask for the provision needed and the laborers needed to answer the call for this High assignment of bringing in Your harvest. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
As we draw near to Thanksgiving, we may think of harvest. But what exactly is a “harvest”? Merriam-Webster defines “harvest” as: the season when crops are gathered from the field.
We are in a season (and have been since the time Jesus was on earth in human form) of harvest. All over the globe, men and women are hurting from the effects of an abortion. Recently, a friend contacted me in Illinois who counsels college students. She had just met with a young girl who had an abortion the week prior. She was broken and devastated by her decision as the effects had already taken root.
My friend asked if there were resources I knew of in her area to help this young broken girl. I was able to point her to Deeper Still of Central Illinois, but the cry of the hurting extends beyond the resources presently available. The expansion of Deeper Still and the healing ministries of abortion are desperately needed. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few.
Unfortunately, we live in an age where abortion is an epidemic and we can only pray for numbers to decrease. However, the numbers are there and what will our response be to the need for restoration, healing and freedom in these lives? Would we abandon them? Would Jesus? Our culture seduces our young into believing premarital sex is normal, safe and good. Premarital sex is not God’s normal and it is neither safe nor good. It is not God’s best for our children or us. It is a lie and it is dangerous. Our children are lied to by the very ones who should be leading them into a secure and healthy adulthood. They are deceived and then deceived once again into believing, “Abortion is no big deal.” Oh my friends, abortion is a big deal indeed. The long term effects for the abortion-wounded are devastating outside of the healing blood of Jesus Christ.
Friends, the time is drawing near. Jesus is coming. The Bridegroom is returning for His bride. He is coming for a bride holy and without blemish (Eph 5:27) by the washing of water by the Word. Those with wounded hearts need to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They need His healing power in their lives and to know even though their sins were as scarlet, He has made them white as snow. The Lord is returning for a glorious church, and our sweet brothers and sisters need to find healing and freedom and glory that only comes through the blood of Jesus Christ. We need them as fellow laborers to then go into the field themselves as laborers of the harvest. We need them. We need you. Will you please pray? The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Our Fundraising Banquet is scheduled for March 8, 2016. Would you prayerfully consider hosting a table? If you would like more information on how you can be involved, come or donate to Deeper Still, please contact jacque.murphy@deeperstill.org