“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Events over the past week are weighing heavy on many hearts. I have reached out to several dear beloved friends in the black community trying to hear their hearts and understand their pain. As a white American woman, I know I can’t understand the suffering of our sisters and brothers of color. But I want to. I want to understand at a deeper level. I want to listen and hear.
For me, this is a life issue. Life is dear, every life is precious. Every person is uniquely created in the image of God.
“And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Genesis 1:27
Then in Genesis 3, in walks the serpent.
“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which Jehovah God has made.” (Emphasis added)
In the next verses, this subtle serpent tricked Eve and planted a lie into her mind that God was holding back on her. He tricked her, lied to her, and man fell. Just a subtle twist of truth led to folly and slavery and pain.
Over the years, many people groups have been targeted in hate and evil, all starting with a lie founded on one people group being more important or more valuable or more something than another. It is atrocious and horrid and downright evil.
One of my friends of color said it like this:
“It feels like having to prove that we’re telling the truth or that we’re worthy of basic human rights is a constant issue. People are tired. I’m tired. It is exhausting having to beg people to see your humanity or step out of their comfort zone for a moment to seek justice.” -Gloria Nolan
One thing I know and has been proven over and over again in the Bible and in history is that God will defend and justice will come—it may take time, but it will come if we join God as He brings justice and defends His sons and daughters.
Social injustice of any kind is a life issue and our hearts ache at the injustices and violation of human rights and devaluation of life.
We want you to know we love you, we value you, we see you, we hear you, and we recognize all lives are precious. It is sad we even have to say so. Forgive us. Forgive us for not being better listeners and not better learners. Lord, help our friends heal. Lord, heal your people. Heal our land.
Dear Heavenly Father, our hearts ache over the pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters. Lord, we know Your heart is completely broken over the injustices your sons and daughters have endured. Lord, we ask for you to hear the cry of those suffering and in pain from injustice and fight on their behalf. We ask for You to break our hearts for what breaks yours and that the value of life would be fought for and upheld. Help us hear, listen, and love well. In Jesus, name, Amen.
*This post was written as a group effort from different voices in the black community and on the Deeper Still Devotional blog team.
Deeper Still is a ministry that offers free weekend retreats for women who have had abortions and the men who fathered children lost to abortion. If you have had an abortion and would like more information about our retreats, please go to www.GoDeeperStill.org to find a retreat close to you.