Turning Shame into Glory

hiding in shame

“How long, O you sons of men, will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood.”  Psalm 4:2

David wrote the verse above as a question to men who were speaking falsely about him and were treating him as an outlaw instead of who he truly was destined to be.

This Psalm rose a question in me:

How many of God’s children with a divine destiny are hiding in shame and believing lies of unworthiness?

Could it be when we hide and agree with shame and unworthiness, that we are actually denying God glory?

David had a divine destiny and he knew who God had called him to be.

Those with abortion-wounds often believe the lie that they no longer are worthy of the calling on their lives, that they are no longer worthy to be used by God.   Living in denial, they withdraw, and hide under a cloak of shame, denying God the glory due His name.  This isn’t just those wounded from abortion.  Much of the body of Christ is living in hiding, living in a state of false humility that claims I am unworthy to be used of God, I am unworthy because of my past and what I have done.

In sense, turning glory to shame, loving worthlessness and seeking falsehood.   And God says, “Enough.”

He wants His children to rise up out of hiding.  He wants you to know who you are in Him, as a son or daughter of the King, Your Father, who adores you.  He wants you to know you are worthy because He said you were worthy when He sent His son to die for you (yes, you!).  He wants all His children to stop agreeing with falsehood, with the lies of the enemy.  You are His child.  He has a purpose for you, a great plan for you.  His heart is for you to fulfill what He created you to do!

Like David, you are royalty.  Your destiny is one of a child of the King, the Father’s beloved son or daughter.  You are worthy.

“How long, O you sons of men, will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood.”  Psalm 4:2

Father, forgive me for not allowing you to turn shame into glory.  Forgive me for agreeing with lies of unworthiness. Oh Lord, turn my shame into your glory and reveal my worthiness in you.  Lord, open my eyes to see your glory and how you turn shame into a declaration of praise.  I pray I would no longer agree with the lies of the enemy but would see my worth through your eyes.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.




Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.