And there he went into a cave, and spent the night in that place; and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah’”? 1 Kings 19:9
When God asks a question, it isn’t because He doesn’t know the answer. So why does God, the One who knows all things from beginning to end, ask questions?
It isn’t for His benefit, but for ours. The questions He asks are to help us understand ourselves.
When reading in 1 Kings 19, there was something I hadn’t noticed before. God asked Elijah the same question twice. When God says something twice, it could be for emphasis or it could be that He wants to confirm and give assurance that it is Him speaking. When God asked Elijah the question, “What are you doing here?”, Elijah answered:
“I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your alters, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”
The backdrop of this story is fascinating and if you have a moment, go to 1 Kings 18:20 to 1 Kings 19:21 to read it. In short, Elijah had just called down fire from heaven, killed 450 prophets of Baal, totally humiliated the enemy and an evil tyrannical queen, and then ran a marathon to Jezreel. This man had to have been exhausted. We should never face an enemy hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. There is no doubt, Elijah was all four. And so when faced with the threat being destroyed by Jezebel, it was more than he could handle. Any other day it wouldn’t have phased him, but that day… it did, and he responded uncharacteristically in defeat and despair and ran to hide in a cave.
This is where Elijah was when God asked him, “What are you doing here?”
Has there ever been a time in your life when God has asked you, “What are you doing here?” Maybe you have been through a very difficult situation and have been hiding or not being the person God intended for you to be. Or maybe you’ve sinned or responded poorly to a situation and you feel defeated and the enemy has you believing there is no hope, that you are alone, and God couldn’t possibly use you now.
If this is you, God is asking, “What are you doing here?” This isn’t the place God has for you to be.
The enemy is shrewd and starts with a small lie getting us off one degree. But one degree over time equals a far distance from where God called us to.
God has called each and every one of us.
If we aren’t going in the direction of our calling or living in our calling, then maybe we’re off course.
Abortion is one of those sins the enemy uses to keep us living in a cave believing we are alone and unfit for use in the Kingdom.
If this is you today or there is another sin or situation in your life that the enemy has used to keep you believing you are defeated and unworthy of Kingdom things, today, hear the voice of the Lord gently and lovingly saying, “What are you doing here,________.”
And then listen to words of the Lord as He directs and guides you into the next steps He has for you. The very next thing the Lord did for Elijah was remind him that he is not alone. The Lord God extinguished the lies of the enemy and built up his servant with truth.
When God asks us a question, it is for our introspection and reflection, and to give us confidence in our ability to hear.
Wherever you are today, be reminded, God is with you. He is for you. He asks the question, “What are you doing here?” as a course correction. His plan is for you to do great Kingdom exploits, and be used mightily as you follow His leading and direction out of the cave and into your calling.
Father God, we thank you that you lead us out of caves and into our callings. Lord, we pray for every person reading this or attending a retreat that has bought into the lies of the enemy that have been intended to defeat or destroy. Lord, we want to be where you want us to be. Lead us in your way everlasting, give us strength, and fill us with hope. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Today’s post was written by Sue Molitor. Sue works with the ministry of Deeper Still in International Relations. She lives in beautiful East Tennessee and loves spending time with her husband and 3 kids. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends, and taking long walks. She has been writing for the Deeper Still Devotions for 7 years and loves to encourage others and cheer them on towards finding freedom and healing.
Deeper Still is a ministry that offers free weekend retreats for women who have had abortions and the men who fathered children lost to abortion. If you have had an abortion and would like more information about our retreats, please go to to find a retreat close to you.