“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister Mary and Lazarus. So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. “ John 11:5-6
One of the most instrumental words in John 11:5-6 is the connector word, “So”. Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus, so he stayed. This is powerful when we break it down. It was because Jesus loved them that He didn’t go to Lazarus right away. He seemed to be late, or to not care that Lazarus was sick or didn’t really understand how serious it was. I mean Jesus should have been there…right? Except, He loved them so He stayed where He was and didn’t go heal Lazarus right away.
There is much mystery we don’t always understand. It makes no sense for Jesus to wait. Why would He let Lazarus die? Didn’t He care about His friend’s physical condition and didn’t He care about his sisters’ broken hearts? All hope seemed lost.
If you aren’t familiar with this passage, I encourage you to go to John 11 and read it.
After he arrived at his friends’ house where Lazarus had been in the tomb already 4 days, Jesus said something extraordinary.
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26
When things die in our lives (this could be anything from relationships, dreams, hopes, expectations, etc), we can feel like Mary and Martha did: disappointed, disillusioned, baffled, uncertain. Basically saying, “Jesus, I don’t understand. Where were you? Why didn’t you come and rescue. Why did you allow this to happen?”
His answer. Because of love.
In a Bible study I am currently doing, Lisa-Jo Baker asks us to complete this statement:
“Lord, if You had been here, my _______________ wouldn’t have died.”
Jesus loves you and He weeps with you, grieving with you over whatever it was that died. Then full of hope, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life…Do you believe?”
Do you believe He can resurrect? Do you believe He can make all things new? Do you believe He redeems all things?
Like Lazarus, perhaps there is a dream, hope, expectation, unhealthy relationship, that had to die in order to see the power and glory of His resurrection.
Jesus is asking today, “Do you believe this?”
Father, we thank you that You love us so much that you will wait to rescue. We thank you that you are never late and you are never careless with our hearts or unaware of our situation. You are very much involved and know all things. Thank you for rescuing us in your perfect timing and resurrecting the things we assumed were dead. Thank you for restoring hope, resurrecting, and bringing life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.