Why I Share My Abortion Story

“But in your hearts, revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.”  1 Peter 3:15

Dear Lord, thank you for the hope that we have in Christ.  As Deeper Still’s fundraising banquet draws near, I pray the ones you have purposed to come will attend and see the hope you have given.  I pray Deeper Still will always be ready in season and out to give a reason for the hope we have in you.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I opened my email.  Inside was an email from someone who had read my story.

Her words were desperate.  The choice of abortion had stolen, and she ached with emptiness.  She longed for healing, but hopelessness dripped off her fingers as she expressed her pain and regret through words on a screen.

We spoke on the phone that day.  I pray the words the Lord gave me pumped hope into her hopelessness.  It was a divine connection.  God had ordained every word spoken or typed.  I pray she saw how intricately God’s loving hand was involved in her life.  God was reaching out to her to begin her healing journey.  This is our God.  This is our Father.  How He longs to fill us with His hope and healing and wholeness!

Our choice is whether we decide to take His hand.

She asked me a question that day.  

“Why do you share your story?”  

The words lingered in the air for only a brief second as I thought about this verse…“Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)

“Why do I share my story?”

The answer surprising rolled right off my tongue as if I had rehearsed it over and over again…

My passion is to see women and men set free from the bondage of the sin of abortion or any sin.  I want to see my brothers and sisters in Christ living in freedom!  The enemy lies and tries to tie our identity to an event or a situation and straps us down with condemnation, guilt, and shame.

The enemy lies to us about who we are and it makes me plum mad!  My heart is to see those wounded by abortion set free to be a voice of truth to spread light on the harsh reality of the destruction it does to women, men, and families.

Abortion not only ends the life of a living child with a heartbeat, it damages the heart of those who make that choice in ways that globally affect their lives. Abortion hinders marriages, mothering, fathering, and other relationships.

The enemy’s plan is to keep God’s people locked up in silent defeat, bound in chains to keep them from fulfilling all God called them to do.  The enemy doesn’t even have to do much to accomplish his goal.  When God’s people agree with the lie, they will keep themselves bound.

God says in His Word, “And you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:32

I share my story to share the truth that God not only forgives all sin, He removes all sin (Ps 103:12).  I am not identified by what I have done or not done.  I am identified as a child of the Most High God.  I am His beloved.  I am His handiwork created in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10).  I am the righteousness of God in Christ (Rom 3:22), a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17).

The more voices spreading the truth of abortion, the more hope we have for this atrocity to end and those wounded to find healing and freedom, which in turn leads back to spreading of Jesus’s love and grace. It is a beautiful cycle!

The cycle of freedom is compounding!

We need your voice.  Will you share your story?  It might be scary at first.  But then, it isn’t.

And the more you share, the freer you become and the more freedom wins and the enemy is defeated.

“And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony.” Rev 12:11  

Take a breath.  Then, take God’s hand and a step towards freedom. 

There is freedom and healing.  Your sin is not your identity.  It is not who you are.  You are His.

You are why I share my story.






Your abortion doesn’t have to define you.

It’s time to find the freedom you deserve.