To Have and to Hold

The outside of the building seeped with corrosion. Around the windows, doors, the roof lines, the foundation…all rusting, decaying, seemingly from the inside out. It was an accurate reflection. For what was happening inside this building for decades was now...

“Roe” Triggers

All around us are people with abortion wounded hearts. We don’t know who they are, but they are there…sitting in the same pew as us, in the grocery story, in our small groups. Everywhere.   As 2022 unfolds and Roe V Wade is being overturned and the abortion...

Keeping Secrets Keeps Us Sick {Guest Post}

Today’s post is a guest post written by Mara Petro. Mara is on staff with Life International and serves on the Deeper Still team in West Michigan. She wrote this post to explain what it is like for someone who has had an abortion attending a Deeper Still...