Host Chapter

Contact Info

Jackie Conrad

May 17th - 19th, 2024

Chicago, IL

The Chicago chapter of Deeper Still hosts its retreat at a beautiful lakeview retreat center where you will find refuge for your busy soul.
Our trained team members will be attentive to your physical needs and help you focus on the healing and restoration Jesus wants bring to your heart.
Our retreats are free of charge, but a Deeper Still retreat can be one of the most valuable things in which you have ever invested your time.

The team of Deeper Still Chicago wants to extend a warm welcome to you! You know most of us understand the guilt and shame of a past abortion but we also understand the freedom that our Heavenly Father wants for you! You can be set free from the pain you have in your abortion-wounded heart. Come and spend a weekend with Him and us at a Deeper Still retreat weekend. You will never be the same!

To learn more about our retreats visit our FAQ page.